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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Adam on Housecalls (vid)

Adam joined Gretchen and Evel Dick on Housecalls yesterday for a nice 1 hour long converstation and answered some questions from fans of the show. Adam talked about how he now knows that he's been fired from his job and that he's not sure what he will do with the money but that it will involve charity. He even talked about the idea of possibly starting his own foundation for charity.

Adam also said that he didn't throw the last HOH comp and that he was seriously trying to win and that if he did win, he probably would have taken Sheila to the end with him instead of Ryan.

To watch the video of Housecalls with Adam, click the picture below!! :-D

Ryan was on today's Housecalls show but I missed it. That episode should be available on sometime tonight if you want to watch it. :)

Stay tuned...

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Interview with BB9 Winner Adam (vid)

Hey guys & gals!

Host of Housecalls, Gretchen, did an interview with all the HG's and I figured ya'll would want to see them so I'm posting them here!

Here's the interview with the Winner of Big Brother 9: Adam!!

He says that he DIDN'T throw the last HOH comp and he FINALLY tells us all where "A-Baller" comes from!

And here is the interview with the runner-up of BB9, Ryan:

He was saying how he (if given the choice of who to be paired up with) would have choosen his girlfriend Jen. Could you imagine those 2 playing together? Wonder how far they would have got in the game!

And then the lovely Sheila:

Love her shamless plug about looking for work. lol Also, she said that Adam is "not her type" so NO they are NOT a real couple (it would have come out by now for sure!) She also says that she likes Evel Dick and that Dani said she likes Sheila..wouldn't that be wild to see Dick & Sheila hook up!! Haha!!

And the winner of the $25,000 America's Favorite Juror, James:

Since James will be biking around the world, and he hinted to Gretchen that Chelsia won't be going with him, wonder if their relationship will remain or fade into a really good friendship. We shall see!

If you would like to watch all the interviews (Amanda, Matty, Allison, Sharon, Sheila, Natalie, Amanda, Chelsia, and Jen) then go to Quirkydude's YouTube Page and check'em out!

Stay tuned...

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thank You :)

Well guys & gals, Season 9 is o-v-e-r!!! I had a GREAT time blogging about this season and I can't wait to do it all over again for Season 10!

I really want to thank each and every one of you Big Brother 9 Blog fans!! Without you, this blog would be nothing. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! :)

I will be back for Season 10, which starts July 13th, and I will be blogging for the whole season! If you haven't bookmarked the NEW blog website yet, go ahead and do it now:

Again, thank you for spending this season with me and for all the super sweet comments about my upcoming wedding! :-D You guys & gals ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

See you for Season 10 in July!!


The End.
(..of this season. ;-) )

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The Finale!!!!! (spoiler)

Hey everyone!! I'm bbbaccckkk!!! :-D I'm late (thanks to Chicago traffic) but I'm back!

Right now, they are showing the jury house talking to Ryan & Adam...
Adam seemed to do a LOT of damage with the Q & A part between the Jury house and himself. It'll be interesting to see who wins tonight!!

Now Julie is welcoming the BB jury:
Matt, Chelsia, Josh, James, Natalie, Sharon, Sheila.

"When we return, the jury members will cast their vote for the houseguest they want to win!"-Julie Chen

Okay, the voting is starting!!

Matty *voted*
Natalie *voted*
Josh *voted* (sounds like he's voting for Ryan)
Sharon *voted* (she's voting for the most "loyal" in the game..hmm.)
Sheila *voted* (Sounds like she's voting for Ryan, too!!)
James *voted*
Chelsia *voted*

After commercial, the first 6 HG's evicted will return and talk about the show. (Jen, Parker, Jacob, etc etc)

Matt appologized for everything (to Natalie) that she will eventually see on the show LOL

Julie is asking Jen what her thoughts are about Allison, Jen does NOT like her at all (because she liked Ryan and talked shit on Jen). Allison is saying that she has no hard feelings for Jen and think that Jen & Ryan belong together and now she's slamming Jen for calling Ryan names and such.

LMAO!! They just showed the video of Josh crying to Adam (the fake crying to get him to stay in the house) and Adam was shocked at it!

Up next, CBS will announce America's Choice for which juror will get the $25,000

Now it's time to reveal the votes:


The Winner of Big Brother 9 is:


America's Choice for the juror who will get $25,000 is coming up next!!!

The Winner of America's Choice Juror is:


Well guys, the season is over!! :-D

One more post coming up....

Stay tuned...

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