I've been waiting since this morning to post about something, ANYTHING, that was going on in the house. It is now almost 12am/EST and I figured that if I didn't post something soon, then ya'll would start to wonder what happend to me lol
Okay, so the house has been very....well...quiet! How about that for a change?! Even Parker turned off his asshole-mode and has been rather neutral all day. Adam said that he's not feeling good, and from what I caught on the feeds earier, James was laying down on the floor with blankets and a pillow, and Matt was in his room trying to take a nap (until hummergirl Natalie came in and started to bother him).
Here's a video of the live feeds that I took a couple of hours ago.
Nothing else has really happend since. Everyone is lounging and laying down...sometimes they'll even get motovated and change locations to lounge in. I'm begininng to think that the HG's wore themselves out in a week and need a day to recover physically and mentally. Hell, I know I do!! Can you believe it's only been 1 WEEK?!!!!!! Ohh boy, this is gonna be a looooong season.
Enjoy the rest of your nights, ladies & gents!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Ok, who drugged the BB houseguests?
Posted by
7:38 PM
Overnight Report-Feb. 16th
Good morning Big Brother 9 Blog fans!!! Are you ready to get your fix of what happened overnight? Okay, here's your overnight report:
So far, it looks as if Parker & Jen will be hitting the bricks Wednesday for the live eviction. That was said early last night and rang true throughout the whole night. Here's how the votes stand (as of this hour....it could all change though of course, after all-it IS big brother!)
Voting to Evict Parker & Jen are:
Which leaves only 1 couples vote to Evict Allison & Ryan:
We'll find out Weds. if that's how they vote. We'll be able to hear & see more game-talk/play today on the live feeds and we'll keep you up to date on everything!
Okay, so yesterday we mentioned how Allison found out that Matt was going to try to put the moves on her again, and that she was going to use that strategy against Matt! Well, last night, Allison stuck to her guns and shot Matt down I LOVE it! And he finally got a dose of his own medicine when he tried to go in for a smooch with Allison. She gave him a quick peck on the lips (hey, ya gotta lure them in a little bit!) but when he came back for more than just a peck, she told him he has to work "alot harder than that!" Have you ever heard the phrase: "Hook. Line. Sinker!"? Well, this would be the "hook" part. If Matt is trying to be like Mike Boogie, then he's got the game all twisted up and wrong. He's going after girl after girl, and bragging about it to other people, and the girls all know his "strategy". I think he just got shot himself in the foot, ladies & gentlemen. He's wounded in the game, but not out...yet. Just like Parker, I think Matt will eventually hang himself in the game (unless he does something drastic and fast!...we're not holding our breath though.)
I think all the houseguests are sick with a cold or something. Parker's been coughing something awful, Matt said he felt sick all day and into the night, Chelsia complained about her chest being stuffy, and Alex was complaining that the BB house is dirty and dusty (then Matt requested a vacuum from BB but they never responded.)
We also found out that Sheila is one-of-many ex's of Scott Baio! If you watch Scott's show, called "Scott Baio is 46...and pregnant.", then you have seen Sheila. She was on the first season of the show. Shelia was the girl outside a gym that mouthed-off to Scott by her Jeep lol Funny stuff!!
Here's the clip, courtesy of TheRealDeal (love that guy!!):
So there ya have it, the full overnight report. I'm guessing the drama turned wayyy down because of 2 reasons:
(1) The votes seem to already be in place.
(2) I think most of the HG's are too sick (with a cold) to care last night.
Let's see what today brings!!!
Oh, and just for fun, I did a funny photochop of Parker & Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons
....we're just sayin'....
More updates & screenshots to come, so..
Stay tuned...
Posted by
9:42 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Grand Prize Winner of Big Brother Live Feeds is...
Okay ladies & gentlemen, it's time to announce the GRAND PRIZE WINNER for the 3 Months of Free Big Brother Live Feeds!!!!
Are you ready??
And the winner is.....
(keep scrolling...)
(from Town Creek, Alabama)
You won 3 Months of the Big Brother Live Feeds!! :-D
Enjoy the live feeds, on us, for the rest of the season! ;-)
(An email confirmation will be sent to you in a moment.)
For those of you who entered, we thank you for all your love & support of the Big Brother 9 Blog!! We love our fans and we LOVE to give back to you guys as much as possible!!!
If you didn't win, don't worry: you can still get the live feeds 100% totally FREE for 2 full weeks (14 Days)!!!
Okay, I'm off for the night. Perfect time to get the feeds, this way you're still in the know while I'm offline. But don't worry, a full overnight report will be posted early tomorrow morning with all the latest gossip, videos, and screenshots!!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
6:02 PM
Contest to be held in 30 mins!! (9pm/EST)
Hey everyone!! Just a quick post to let you guys & gals know that the contest is ending in 30 mins (9pm EST), so get those entries in!!
Tonights drawing is for the GRAND PRIZE of 3 Months of Big Brother Live Feeds!!!
Contest?? Whhhhhaa???
You haven't heard? Listen up!!
1) Sign up for the Free 2 Week Trial of the live feeds.
2) Forward your live feeds confirmation email to babagirls2@gmail.com
3) Drawing will be held at 9pm/EST TONIGHT!!!
Your confirmation email is your ticket into the drawing!!
HURRY!! You have...well, now its 26 mins lol ;-)
Posted by
5:30 PM
After the Power of Veto Comp (video!)
Okay, here's the vid:
So it sounds like they were up high on something and used their hands/fingers to hold onto something.
Also, Matt is trying to 'work his magic' on Allison now but she's not having any of it. However, she is going to use him to her advantage. She knows he's trying to use her and she's going to revese it on him. Go Allison!! ;-)
Right now, Shiela and Allison just had a talk in the downstairs bathroom but I couldn't make out what Allison was saying (she had the blow dryer on and she was mouthing/whispering words to Sheila.)
The juicy talk is just starting!! This is the part in the game that is TRULY big brother!! I think the reason why I wasn't getting into this season that much was because everyone was talking alliances and strategies..BEFORE ANYTHING EVEN STARTED!!
This, my friends, is when the game truly begins.
GAME ON!!!! ;-)
Posted by
2:43 PM
The winners of the Power of Veto (spoiler!)
The feeds are back and we just got confirmation on who won the very first Big Brother 9 Power of Veto!!!
*****SPOILER ALERT!!!!!*****
Natalie & Matt
More to come....
Okay, I took video of the houseguests sitting around and eating pizza and talking about the veto comp, but youtube isn't working right now for some reason and it's not uploading at the moment. Grrr!! I'm still trying though!!
The HG's talked about how it was *VERY* physically demanding and hard to do. Matt was saying that he BARELY was able to "hang on" (and apparantly with only one arm at the end, if I heard him correctly.) Then the HG's started to talk to James about his biking. He goes on to say that he bikes about 100 miles a day and with 90 lbs of gear on his back. Wow! Major kudos to him!!
Anyways, like I said, still working on uploading the video but you tube isn't cooperating at the moment.
Stay tuned...
Posted by
12:50 PM
...still waiting....
The feeds are still on trivia...
this has been one long veto comp!! Geezzz! Can't wait to see what they had to do!!
The second we know anything, we will post, so stick around!! ;-)
Posted by
12:27 PM
Veto Comp BEGINS!!
We got trivia streaming on the live feeds...
....which means only one thing:
(Oh, by the way, the pigs name was Ophelia, in case you were wondering lol)
Competing in the Veto Comp are:
Amanda & Alex (HOH's)
and of course the two teams that are nominated for eviction:
Parker and Jen | Allison and Ryan
And choosen (somehow which wasn't shown on the feeds):
Matt and Natalie
We'll let you guys & gals know who won the Power of Veto as soon as we know!!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
10:52 AM
HG's being called to Diary Room (veto comp soon!)
We first thought they would be having a food comp (we thought that for the past 3 days now) but nope..its a Veto comp!!
They're calling in all the houseguests, one by one, into the diary room...surely to give their "I need to win this because.." and "if we don't win, we're going home!" speeches for the camera.
BB isn't keeping them in the DR too long though, about a minute or two per houseguests.
More to come...
Posted by
10:47 AM
HG's getting ready for Veto Comp (video)
Here's a video of the houseguests getting ready for today's Veto comp, set to begin in 15 mins from now (1pm/EST)
Stay tuned...
Posted by
9:44 AM
HG's are up & moving about
Big Brother woke up the houseguests just a short time ago and they're all up and getting ready for the day.
The veto competiton will begin shortly (1pm/EST)!
We'll keep you guys updated of couse.
Stay tuned...
Posted by
9:25 AM
Updates: Contest, Live Feeds, & Poll!!
Just a quick update on things:
The houseguests are still sleeping (as of 5 mins ago):
We'll let you know when they start to wake up & get moving for the day.
Also, our CONTEST will happen 1 hour EARLIER than planned, due to an unexpected offline thing that I have to attend to. So instead of 10pm/EST, it will happen at 9pm/EST.
It's not too late to enter! Entries have been coming in as of this morning, so get entered for your chance to win 3 Months of the Live Feeds!! That's the whole season of Big Brother 9!!
Here's how you enter:
1) Sign up for the Free 2 Week Trial of the live feeds.
2) Forward your live feeds confirmation email to babagirls2@gmail.com
3) Bookmark us & then check back tonight @ 9pm EST to see if you won!!
Your confirmation email is your ticket into the drawing and it costs you nothing!! So what do ya have to lose? Take a chance and enter the contest today!!
Since the houseguests are still snoozing away, we figured we'd get your opinion on this season of Big Brother 9 so far!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
7:26 AM
Natalie: BB9's slut? Yup!
This is the first season of Big Brother that I can't even keep up with the cast!! And from the looks of other bloggers, neither can they. This person is with this person, saying they hate that person, but really that person, but someone else is falling for that same person...these people think those people know each other outside the house, those people are mad....then everybody fights & makes up.
And every 12 hours, "wash, rinse, repeat."
Okay, so I'm going to try to sort through all the bullshit and just get down to the nitty-gritty here so that we're not confusing all of you, too! lol
Alex & Amanda had a big fight yesterday, but all that is done. Way done! In fact, they like each other (and more than just friends!)...even though Amanda keeps claiming to other HG's that she doesn't like him "like that". Pure strategy? Probably.
Let me be the first one to call Natalie a slut. lol Hey, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck...well, you guys know the rest. So yesterday, Natalie not only gave Matt a midnight blowjob, but she also let both Parker and Matt feel-her-up on camera! If there was ever a way to announce to the world that you're a slut, that'd be the perfect way to do it.
So the rumor of the hour (last night) was that the HG's were claiming that Crazy James & his partner Chelsia are brother and sister. Which, as far as we can tell, that couldn't be further from the truth. I hate how these HG's seem to drag people into drama that they create. Stick with your own drama! Or perhaps, this is all a strategic plot to take the spotlight off of Parker & Jen, and shine it on somebody else (in case they win POV today). In 4 simple words:
Half the time, I don't think THEY even know what the hell they're doing! They're all over the map and it's damn near impossible to keep up with everything and everybody...espeically because we can't see what they're saying in the Diary Room, so we don't know what peoples motives are and what their strategic plan(s) are.
I can't believe all this shit has happened and its still WEEK ONE!!!! Wow!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
6:23 AM
Natalie gave Matt a blowjob last night!!! (video)
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
5:06 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Amanda in shower (boobs!) & Jenn's ass!
Guys, you're welcome!! ;-)
Amanda was taking a shower nude and you can see a great shot of her boobs, ass, and a full frontal at a few points during the video!!!
We also caught a great closeup of Jenn's ass in a thong, and Amanda's ass in a thong as well.
If you got the feeds, spark'em up!!!
If you don't have them yet, get them HERE!!
ENJOY! ;-)
Stay tuned...
Posted by
4:57 PM
Alex fights with Amanda (videos)
Okay, we have MAJOR DRAMA to report!!!
It's a bunch of he said/she said bullshit that ended up with James (just happened to to be dragged in it by Amanda), Amanda, Parker, and Alex.
Did ya get all of that?
Okay. So this is what went down:
Alex thought that Amanada & Parker knew each other before entering the BB house. Amanda runs and tells Parker. Parker (acting like he's a badass. whatever.) confronts Alex & smoothes shit out.
Amanda then brings up James' name out of the blue but shortly after, his name is cleared.
Then Amanda and Alex continue to fight.
Arghh...just watch the videos lol
"I hate my partner. I hate her."-Alex (about Amanda)
Posted by
4:04 PM
Daniele Donato (aka Dani) on Housecalls
Danielle spent her Valentines Day with Gretchen on CBS's House Calls this afternoon.
The video is on CBS.com if you wanna check it out.
They talked about the houseguests and Dani agreed with everything that we've posted here!! She loves Chelsia and James (as so do we!!) and thinks that their low-key game playing is going to get them very far (exactly what we said yesterday!)
Here's a screencap:
Stay tuned...
Posted by
10:46 AM
"Crazy James" talks about his life (video)
I recorded the live feeds about 30 mins ago (hey, it takes some time to record, edit and upload a video! ;-) ) Anyways, James and Sheila were talking while cooking breakfast for their partners for Valentines Day (awwwww!!!!)
James really opened up again about his life. :)
Love this video of James:
I didn't know that the HG's each get $750/week for being on the show. Interesting.
Still haven't heard anything on why Neil left, we're still looking into it and seeing if any of the HG's say anything.
The HG's are all waking up & getting ready for the day. We'll keep ya'll posted!!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
9:48 AM
Sharon is back, Neil is gone, Ryan & Jen had sex!
Wow. Wow. Wow!! What a night!!
Looks like something personal (with Neils family) has happened and NEIL HAS LEFT THE BB9 HOUSE and gave his spot in the game to Sharon!!! Neil was in the diary room for a very long time, I'm guessing when he got the news that something bad has happened. We'll keep everyone posted on info as it comes in!! Also, it looks like Sharon is REALLY out to get Jen and have her evicted. Ooooooo..the drama!
Of course, since that was Joshua's partner, he's taking it really hard. They looked so cute together, too. And they just had their first kiss the other night. Dammit! That could have been one hell of a relationship (not showmance, real romance.) My guess is, BB will try to bring him back...but as a twist down the line. I have that strange "big brother feeling" in my tummy about this one. We'll see!!
Okay, I said this a couple before, and I'll say it again: I love "Crazy James"!! He totally opened up to Chelsia early last night as the two were laying down and James showed his vulnerable side. He said that is in debt ($30,000-$40,000) from a business he opened and he lost his business in April/May of 2007 and he cleaned carpets in Beverly Hills, then all of his stuff got stolen out of his van. He thinks that there might be a purpose, other than winning the money, for him to be in the house (he said maybe people see him on the show and think 'he's awesome! Let's do something with him!"). He also admitted that he was very drunk when he filled out the Big Brother application at a bar. Right after that, he told Chelsia that the only guy in the house that he could see hanging out with (before BB happened) is Adam...and herself. :) I feel a bond forming!! For the record, I think those two are adorable together and I hope we see a "showmance" between them! *crosses fingers*
Okay, on to the next thing...
A big *w00t w00t* to them for getting their freak on! ;-) I guess its been a while since they could get it on and just couldn't wait anymore. hehe!
Here's what happened on BB After Dark (on Showtime):
The HG's filled Sharon in on everything that's been happening, Allison looked like she was about to kiss Sharon (as she straddled in a chair & told her how much she "missed" her), Sharon has turned into the most annoying houseguest (in my opinion)..she was just wayyy too overly-excited about everything. If she was happy, she was VERY happy. If she was pissed, she was in-your-face pissed & making her points of view well known. The more I watch Parker, the more I'm starting to think he's bisexual (seriously!), and why is that I never really noticed Alex until last night?? He reminds me of Corey Haim in his prime. And that accent....yumm!! (sorry to all the guy BB9 Blog fans for having to read this little part lol)
The girls all gathered together and were saying how they should "stick together"...umm..maybe someone should fill them in on what this season is all about: COUPLES!! You would think that if they wanted to share a brain, they'd get one that actually works. Arghhh. This season is looking more and more like the Real World than Big Brother. Since when does BB have a full cast in their 20's? Oh, minus the old lady (Shelia) that is Mrs. Negative and complains about every little thing.
James gave Natalie a massage in the Spa Room. Nothing really happened, just some light conversation.
Sharon spent the whole night announcing to every single houseguests how Jacob "fucked her over". For 3 hours, that's all she did. OKAY!! WE GET IT! HE FUCKED YOU OVER!! NOW GET OVER IT & TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!!! Geeezz!!
Parker still has a very limited vocabulary & says "fuck", "fucking" & "motherfucker" in every sentence. Can Big Brother get him a dictionary, please??!
Parker blames Jen for saying "stupid shit" (oh! I guess he DID learn some new words!!) and for getting them nominated.
Joshua asked Sharon privately if she would get info from "both sides" and tell him whats going on. She said she would. (Oooo DRAMA!!)
And that's basically what happened last night.
WHAT A NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, if you don't have the live feeds, this is DEFINANTLY a great time to get them!!!
I'll report with videos and screenshots in a couple of hours...
Stay tuned...
Posted by
7:38 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Winner #1 of BB9 Live Feeds is...
Hey everyone!! Okay, this is gonna be part Big Brother and part Contest. First, let's get the first winner of BB9 Live Feeds announced!! :-D
(keep scrolling...adds anticiption hehe ;-) )
Karin of Columbia, South Carolina!!!!!!!!
(email addy: dollface33@***********.***)
You will receive a confirmation email shortly on how to claim your prize!
Those of you who entered the drawing, the next drawing will be this Friday at 10pm Est, and that's for the Grand Prize of 3-Months of Live Feeds!!
Not entered into the contest yet? Well, you're in luck!! You still have time to get your entry in!!
Here's how to enter:
1) Sign up for the Free 2 Week Trial of the live feeds.
2) Forward your live feeds confirmation email to babagirls2@gmail.com
3) Bookmark us & then check back on Friday @ 10pm EST to see if you won!!
Your confirmation email is your ticket into the drawing and it costs you nothing!! So what do ya have to lose? Take a chance and enter the contest today!
Okay, on to the next topic: Big Brother (duhhh!! :-P)
Tonight's episode was kinda 'ehhhh' for me. Not sure if it's just me?? Or if the houseguests aren't really that interesting this season (at least not so far). But...it was really nice to see Eric & Jess back on the show, even if it was just for a few minutes!! They are just the cutest couple! :-)
I'm finding myself comparing this season to last season and I'm not sure why. Well...maybe I do know why.
It seems like this cast is a watered-down/generic version of the BB8 cast. Think about it for a second....you have Amanda (also known as "Jen version 2.0"), then you have BB9's Jen (who is basically another 'whaaamber'), Parker who is like Dick...wait...scratch that..he's TRYING to be like Dick but he's just annoying instead.
Anyways, so let's fast forward through all the bullshit of tonights episode:
Alex & Amanda won HOH (as previously posted). The live feeds came back just a little bit ago and we now know who has been nominated for eviction....
Ryan and Allison
Jen and Parker
If my predictions from one of today's earlier posts is correct, then I would put my money on Parker & Jen leaving (unless they win the POV). I told you guys & gals that he's going to end up 'hanging himself' in the game, and I see it coming sooner than I thought. I originally gave him 4 weeks in the house before getting sent home...but maybe I was off by a few weeks. lol We shall see!! :-)
Okay folks, I will be posting videos, screenshots, recaps, and everything else that is juicy starting tomorrow morning (around 5am/Est), so check back then!!
Until then, have a goodnight!!
Posted by
6:18 PM
Jessica & Eric to host 1st HOH Comp
This isn't really "breaking news" since we already broke this story on Tuesday, but Jessica Hughbanks and Eric Stein (from Big Brother 8) will host this seasons very first HOH competition.
Currently the HG's are on lockdown for tomorrows food competition. According to Jessica (via myspace), she said its a "really fun" competition.
Right now, Alex is getting his haircut by Jen downstairs in the main bathroom.
Then Crazy James walked in and snuggled on the bathroom with Alex lol
Awwwww..don't they make a cute couple!? haha ;-)
Amanda & Parker are in the blue bedroom talking/scheming. She just asked Parker how he's voting, and he said he's voting for Allison to stay. Then my boy (Crazy James) worked his stealth-mode magic that I love so much and he walked right in on Amanda & Parker secretly talking and it stopped those two from working. Love that kid!! Sneakyyyy.
I we got our first signs of a SHOWMANCE forming!!!!!
Parker and Amanda have been fliiiirrrttinggg like crazy today!! Here's just a quickie snapshot of those two messing around:
Right after that snapshot, Parker smack Amandas ass and they walked into the kitchen together. First showmance of BB9 is forming....you heard it here first! ;-)
Okay, the CBS show is going to start in 2 1/2 hours, and as always, we will be right here bringing you the latest!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
2:09 PM
"Houseguests, time to wake up!" (video)
Okay, they're all up & moving about!
Jen crawled into bed her boyfriend Ryan and they had a little cuddle-fest going on (it was so cute! :) ) Jen mentions that she thinks the food comp will be tomorrow (Thursday) and talks about nominations..which I was a little confused on. There's just so much scheming, drama, and information that we all have to take in since last night and right now, not everything is 100% clear.
Real quick, I wanna talk about the houseguests from what I've seen on the Showtime: After Dark show last night:
Parker. Oh, brother. *sigh* I already can't stand him! He's overly-cocky, arrogant, interupts other people constantly, and just over all an asshole. He's like Dick from Big Brother 8, but minus the coolness factor and entertainment value and with a splash of annoyance.
I also didn't like that just because he got mad (at Jen for saying she's staying teamed up with her bf despite her being paired up with Parker), that he just flipped out and started trash-talking her to other houseguests...including calling her a "selfish little bitch", "fake", "annoying", and a "dumbass". All in the span of about 45 mins. Ya, real nice guy, aye? Oh, big brother.
Oh, and is there any other word that Parker knows besides "fuck"?? He drops the f-bomb every other word! What's even worse is that, the rest of the HG's are following after him and now THEY are starting to drop the f-bomb constantly. It's not entertaining, it's annoying!! Arghhhhh.
Okay, I'm going on the record by saying that Amanda is Jen (from BB8) Version 2.0! I said that during the live updating of last nights episode, and well...looks like the houseguests agree!! They were saying the same thing last night while in the jacuzzi. She's like Jen Johnson, but with a much higher voice (and more annoying..if thats possible).
Parker-he will not make it very far. He has an anger problem (in which he even admitted to last night) and he's going to 'hang himself' in the game eventually. So if you're betting money on Big Brother, take my word for it: Parker is not going to win. In fact, I'd be shocked if he was still around in 4 weeks from now.
'Crazy James'-I love Crazy James!!! I love his attitude, how he's playing the game, his personality...love this kid!! :-) Not only do I think he's going to make it very far in the game, but I think he will be entertaining to watch once the house gets very comfy being around each other (usually around the 3rd or 4th week). His ability to kind of camoflauge himself in every situation, will get him very far. He knows when to just listen, he knows when to talk, and he knows exactly what to say (or not to say) to certain people in the house. In my opinion, he's playing every houseguest like a "fine violin", and what's even better is, he's doing it in stealth-mode....nobody in the house is going to be able to reconize this because he's so believeable.
Okay, here's the video from this morning (about 30 mins ago):
More updates to come, so...
Stay tuned....
Posted by
10:23 AM
The BB house is waking up...slowly.
Sheila is up and doing the dishes. It's funny how a person can forget they're normal like everyday people when they're playing a game like Big Brother.
This was captured 5 mins ago from the live feeds:
We'll let you know when all the HG's start waking up and chit chatting...you know, when things actually start to get exciting. lol Just wanted to update ya'll that the house is starting to wake up...slowly.
Stay tuned...
Posted by
9:01 AM
Screenshot of BB9 houseguests:
....and now they sleep.
This season has alot of snoring houseguests!! lol The guys are snoring up a storm, the women are peacefully snoozing away.
We'll be here to let you know when they wake up, what they're doing/talking about, and exclusive vids!!
I've noticed that our videos are MUCH MUCH MUCH clearer than other vids I've seen in the past 12 hours. So if you don't want choppy & grainy crappy videos, then stick with us! ;-)
Don't forget to bookmark us & check back often (we update alot!)
Stay tuned...
Posted by
5:09 AM
Chelsia in a thong!!!
Here ya go, guys!! Figured you would like to see this video ;-)
And that's just what happened on the FIRST night!!!
Wanna get the feeds now? ;-)
2 Weeks 100% Totally Free Live Feeds!!!
More to come, so..
Stay tuned...
Posted by
4:57 AM
Big Brother 9 has begun! **spoilers**
Let me be the first one to say...WOW!!! Yesterday's 1st episode of the BB9 season was incredible and was almost impossible to keep up with everything as it was unfolding!! If you haven't yet seen yesterday's Day 1 episode, then click here.
Okay, so let me give you the 411 on whats going on.
Don't scroll down unless you want the spoilers...
I'm serious!
Okay...you asked for it! ;-)
Here's whats going on:
* Sharon & Jacob got evicted!!
* HG's know about Jen & Ryan being a couple (causing some friction.)
* 1st alliance has formed: "The Lesbian Alliance" w/ Sheila & Allison
* Jen & Parker had a MAJOR fight last night, but all is well now.
* During Jen & Parkers fight, Parker called Jen some nasty names.
* Amanda & Alex are seemingly the houses' "power couple".
* No "showmances" as of yet, but a lot of half-naked women last night! ;-)
As of 5:45am EST, Parker & Jen were nicely talking to each other (and referring to each other as "the white sister" he's never had, and the "black brother" she's never had). Here's the video captured by yours truly ;-) :
Okay so there ya have it, ya'll are caught up on everything!! Its 6:30am EST right now, I'm still on my first cup o' coffee and getting ready for the day. The good news is that all the HG's should be sleeping for a few more hours, which will give me time to take a shower & get dressed before the scheming continues!! ;-)
Stay tuned...
Posted by
3:24 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The live feeds:
Okay, just as predicted, the live feeds aren't showing anything (at least until the West Coast) show airs).
But we did get to see a live shot of the hamsters (one even yawed...awww!!!):
That video was taken 5 mins ago.
You still have time to GET THE LIVE FEEDS!!! They are 100% FREE for 2 weeks (14 days). Get'em now, folks!!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
7:23 PM
More LIVE spoilers (LAST PART)
Alison and Ryan..OUT!!!
Chelsia got the pillow!!...and moments later she fell. :-(
There's only 2 couples left...
Parker and Jen are "promising" the other couple that they are safe from eviction if they fall (they were all getting sore and tired)
...and they believe it and so they got down..making the winners...
Parker & Jen!!!
Now they have the power to evict a couple.
They also got the $10,000 pillow ;-)
...and now...
its the end of the show!!!!
I'm going to turn on the live feeds and see if the cameras on and if they are, I wanna see who ISN'T in the house!! I can't wait until Weds to find out!! ;-)
Posted by
6:52 PM
More LIVE spoilers (part 4)
The FIRST COMP is going on!!!!! It's called "Falling for You"
Suspend in air...the other partner on the bed...both raised up TOGETHER!! THey have to cuddle and hold on to each other...
Adam said that Sheila's breath is really bad LOL
Once in the air, if the partner falls, that couple is out.
The winner will choose WHO TO EVICT!!!!
First out:
Sheila & Adam (she gave up)
Second Out:
Neil & Joshua
Third Out:
Alex & Amanda (she couldn't hang on, he's pissed.)
Fourth Out:
Sharon & Jacob
(James and Chelsea look comfy :) )
Julie is tempting them the girls to reach down and try to grab a heartshaped pillow for $10,000 in hopes that the girls lose their grips and fall.
Chelsea is REALLY trying and it looks like she could fall...
Stay tuned...
Posted by
6:39 PM
More LIVE spoilers (part 3)
The HG's are being "coupled" up with their soul mate by Julie...here are the couples:
(1) Alex & Amanda
(2) James & Chelsia
(3) Natalie & Matt
(4) Jen & Parker (not her boyfriend Ryan, DRAAAMMMMAAA!!!!!!!!!)
(5) Joshua & Neil
(6) Jacob & Sharon (hahaha!! Major drama with the ex's to come!!)
*****all beds are now taken*****
(7) Ryan & Allison
(8) Sheila & Adam (Shelia is NOT happy about it!! He's not her type.)
Jacob claims he still loves Sharon.
They're fighting.
I have a feeling she's gonna be a nagging bitch this season. Arghhhh.
Sheila is being called "ma" by Adam and its pissing her off (lol)
Adam is telling her to stop bitching...they're fighting...
Adam is a smoker and Sheila hates smokers.
...Shelia *still* bitching (I'm already annoyed about her..she reminds me of Jen of BB8!!!!)
Oh god...now she's crying.
She really IS Jen of BB8!!! lol
Stay tuned...
Posted by
6:25 PM
More LIVE spoilers (part 2)
Okay, the guys just entered the house and its a rather happy meeting with the girls.
Jen seems to be every guys "favorite girl" (because shes hot) lol
Jacob saw his ex, Sharon, as he walked in the house and just walked away to compose himself for a second.
Sharon cried and was shaking and having (what she called) "a panic attack" ...she wants him gone asap!(Oooooo the DRAMAAAA!!!)
The houseguests are introducing themselves, everyone seems to love Crazy James...
Matt is totally the flirt of the men!! Loves the ladies! He thinks every girl in the house is "hot" lol Very cocky but funny. He's going to be one of those entertaining houseguests...him and Crazy James for sure.
Julie just announced to the HG's that they are all playing as "couples" the whole game with their "new soulmate"..of course, they're all shocked!!
...and...time for another commercial!!
Stay tuned...
Posted by
6:17 PM
BB9 is ON!!!! (spoilers for the West Coasters)
IT'S ONNNNN!!!!!!!!!
Okay, right now, the girls are all inside the house and bonding (drinking, chatting, etc etc).
(1)Jacob & Sharon dated for 12 yrs, he cheated, she broke it off, both were the "love of their lives", and they will be in the house together!!!
(2)Jen & Ryan *ARE* a real life couple (boy/girlfriend) and have been dating for 9 months, living together for 7 months and with some talks about marriage..and here's the twist: NOBODY IN THE HOUSE KNOWS/WILL KNOW THEY'RE DATING!! When they "met" each other in the house, they acted like strangers.
Stay tuned....
Posted by
6:07 PM
Less than 2 hours to go!!! (spoiler alert)
Okay guys & gals, listen up because we got a *ALOT* to cover before Big Brother 9 premiers in LESS THAN 2 hours!!
First, I'll start off with a new video. This is a video of the houseguests and gives you a great sense of who they are:
Now that I got that out of the way, on to the next thing..
Here is the schedule for Feb. 12th-20th:
Tuesday, Feb. 12
9:00-10:00 pm/Est-BB9 Premiere on CBS
Wednesday, Feb. 13
8:00-9:00 pm/Est-First Eviction (pre-taped)
Sunday, Feb. 17
8:00-9:00 pm/Est-Time Period Premiere
Tuesday, Feb. 19
9:00-10:00 pm/Est-Regular Show
Wednesday, Feb. 20
8:00-9:00 pm/Est-Live Eviction
Okay, here comes the.....
(Do not scroll down if you do not want to know!!!)
I'm serious!!!
Okay, the spoiler is.....
2 houseguests have already have been evicted!! There was a rumor going around last week after the houseguests moved in... everyone noticed that there was only 14 place settings/chairs at the round dinner table and that's when rumor control got out of hand. The double eviction happend over the weekend. It is also being reported that Jessica & Eric hosted the very first double-HOH competition!! And according to a reliable source, the first 5 days of the BB9 season has been more drama-filled/intense than ANY OTHER SEASON!!!
Folks, if you don't have the live feeds yet, you're probably going to want them after seeing all of this for yourselves on the CBS shows and After Dark shows!!!
It's going to be a buuuuuuuuuuussssyyyyyyy night here at Big-Brother-9-Blog, so make sure that you...
Stay tuned...
Posted by
4:15 PM
Big Brother 9 starts Tonight!!!
Well folks, it's finally here; the day that Big Brother 9 starts!!
Right now its 5:30am and the coffee is on. Big Brother 9 Blog is gearing up for the show tonight, doing test-runs with the live feeds & recording equipment, and getting everything set up in time for the show tonight!
Big Brother 9 will start Tonight at 9pm/EST, so clear your schedules or, if you won't be home, set your Tivos & DVR's! If you can't do any of those, don't worry, we still got ya covered! ;-) We'll be bringing you the latest on what's going on and including videos!
The live feeds are ready and as of this morning, this is what is on them:
If you still don't have the live feeds yet, this is the time to do it!! According to CBS, the cameras inside the BB9 house will go live immediately following the premiere tonight. So get the feeds & spark'em up after the show!!
Also, don't forget about our CONTEST!!
You could win 1-Month of Live Feeds or 3-Months of the live feeds.
Here's how to enter:
1) Sign up for the Free 2 Week Trial of the live feeds.
2) Forward your live feeds confirmation email to babagirls2@gmail.com
3) Bookmark us & then check back on Wednesday & Friday to see if you won!!
Your confirmation email is your ticket into the drawing and it costs you nothing!! So what do ya have to lose? Take a chance and enter the contest today!
The drawings will be held at 10pm/EST Wednesday & Friday.
If you signed up for the feeds and emailed your confirmation email, you should have received a reply back confirming your entry into the drawings. If you haven't received a reply email yet, then you need to contact us by either emailing us again, leaving a comment here, or on our message board in the "live feeds" section (please include your email addy so know how to contact you.)
Those of you who are already entered in the contest, GOOD LUCK!! :-D
Don't forget to bookmark us and check back on Weds. & Fri. to see if you're the lucky winner!!
There will be many posts today, so...
Stay tuned...
Posted by
3:28 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
How to Install Big Brother Feeds
Hey all you Big Brother 9 Blog fans!!!
I've received a few emails lately asking if the live feeds were hard to install or not, and truth be told, NOPE! They are quite easy to install, actually! :) Even for those of you who are not so Internet savvy.
The installation is pretty much self-guided with the exception of at the very end when you actually fire up the player for the first time, but all you have to do there is click on the "Superpass" button at the top in the player and poooof, you're done! :)
I just ordered the feeds this morning and figured that while I was at it, that I would take screenshots of the whole installation process to give you an idea of what to expect & to see how simple it really is!!
It's only a few steps and its self-guided. Pretty simple, right? So now that you see how easy the feeds are to install, GET THE LIVE FEEDS!!! Big Brother 9 starts tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow! So get those feeds up & running between now and tomorrow night and witness all the flirting, drama, and scheming..you know, all that good stuff that you won't see on tv. ;-)
It's also a great time to get the feeds right now because we're currently running a contest all this week where you can win the feeds for FREE!! So check out the post right below this one entitled "Contest" and get all the details on how to enter!
1 more day before BB9 goes *LIVE*!!!
Are you ready? ;-)
Posted by
8:07 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
We wanna kick off this season of Big Brother on a good note by doing a quick & easy contest!!
The prizes are 1 month & 3 months worth of live feeds!!
Here's what you have to do to enter:
1) Sign up for the Free 2 Week Trial of the live feeds.
2) Forward your live feeds confirmation email to babagirls2@gmail.com
3) Bookmark us & then check back on Wednesday & Friday to see if you won!!
Your confirmation email is your ticket into the drawing and it costs you nothing. Pretty painless & easy, right? That's what we thought, too. ;-)
The drawings will be held at 10pm/EST Wednesday & Friday.
Posted by
5:13 PM