Hey everyone!! Big Brother is starting RIGHT NOW!!!! :-D
The opening credits are on...
"Good Evening, it's Day 77 and we're down to the Final 3!"-Julie Chen
Sheila, Adam, and Ryan saying it was freezing cold..Adam teasing Sheila "It's COLD, Sheila! Woo hoo!!" And the boys are teasing her about how close she was to going out the door..recaping Sharon's eviction (weird timing in the show, I think.)
Now they're showing what happened an hour BEFORE the eviction (BB, what the hell are you doing???) Now they're showing the deal Ryan & Adam made to keep Sheila because she's a weaker player than Sharon. They're showing Sheila crying AFTER the eviction.."Wow, I made it this far! I want it to be Adam & I!" (Sheila said in a DR session).
Now they're back to the 1st Final HOH Comp. "There's no way this lady (Sheila) is gonna be us in this compeition!"-Adam
Sheila saying that she wasn't going to give up...36 mins into it, all 3 of them are hanging on still. Sheila dropped on purpose so that she wouldn't be sick for the 2nd comp. Sheila is inside the house. Adam drops next, on puroose, and Ryan wins Part 1 of the Final HOH (as we already knew).
"Ryan thinks I'm with him, Sheila thinks I'm with her, I don't care WHO takes me to the Final 2 just as long as I get there!" -Adam
"Adam dropped and proved to me that I can trust him."-Ryan
Commercial @ 8:14pm ESTBack from commerical now.
"Time for Part 2 of the Final HOH Comp!!!"-Ryan
Sheila & Adam had to wait in different rooms and they would be called outside seperatly. The Part 2 HOH Comp was a maze on a huge wheel (like a hamster wheel). In the maze were balls with previous HOH's on it and they had to place them in the correct order, in a timely matter, all while guiding the balls out of the maze.
Sheila struggled with it, big time!! Adam had a lot more control of it and seemed to breeze right through it.
Now they're showing Adam telling Sheila they're in it together until the end. And as soon as Sheila got called into the DR, Adam told Ryan it's the boys until the end.
Ryan said in a DR session that he MIGHT take Sheila to the end because he'd win against her!! And then Adam, in a DR session, said even HE doesn't even know what he's (Adam) doing!! (Just like I told you guys earlier today lol)
Julie is talking to the HG's live. Ryan doesn't think he'll win the grand prize, Sheila says she doesn't feel confident as well that she'd get the jury votes, Adam said the same thing but just slightly more confident than Sheila & Ryan.
"Who will be the FINAL and MOST POWERFUL Head of Household? Find out, when we return!"-Julie Chen
Commercial @ 8:27pm ESTThey're showing the jury house: Matt is being mean to Natalie LOLLL And now Sharon goes into the jury house and Josh went CRAZY! lol They're showing Sharon's eviction, but they never showed Natalie's or her entering the jury house..which I personally have been looking forward to for a while now! :(
Commercial @ 8:35pm ESTRyan & Adam are now fighting for the title of HOH:
(let's see if Adam throws it or not!!)
The Final HOH is:RYANThe score was Ryan: 3 and Adam: 2 (I think Adam threw 1 question on purpose).
Sheila & Adam are pleading their cases to stay to Ryan.
Evicted from the BB House is:SHEILASheila is devasted and crying to Julie. She thought Adam would win and take her to the end. Julie asked Sheila is her and Adam will be friends outside the house and she smiled and said "yes!"
Commercial @ 8:53pm ESTJulie congratulated the boys on being Final 2, they said thank you and teased about how they have a "bro-mance" and that they'll be best friends for life.
"We will be back on Sunday at 8pm EST, 7pm Central time to crown the winner of Big Brother 9!"
***End of live show :)***Stay tuned...

Wanna peek in on the houseguests? View the house cameras!