Last night, the BB house was full of life!! Natalie gave the houseguests a striptease, Chelsia & James gun for Matt & Natalie and then make out late at night, and Amanda tells Alex that she's a virgin...this is your overnight report!
Our favorite Big Brother slut has lived up to the title once again. She sported a funky red wig and gave lap dances to Adam (damn near sitting on his face at one point!), shoving her boobs in Alex's face, gave an on-the-floor quick show to Matt, and even had time to get on top of Chelsia & she took off her bra and felt Natalie up!!
Aww but it was all in good spirits. :) Natalie looked like she had a lot of fun and so did the other houseguests and that's all that matters! Here's the video: (Courtesy of the wonderful xx2OOxx):
James and Chelsea are gunning to evict Matt & Natalie. There's alot of "if [this person] wins POV, then we'll do [this]" talk, but their main goal is to give Mattie and Nat the big ol' big brother boot! It will all come down to who wins POV today!
In other BB news, Amanda announced to Alex that she is pure as the white snow..she's a virgin! Alex, who has been trying to 'plant his seed' with Amanda for awhile now, gave her credit where credit is due for Amanda being so strong and holding on to her virginity for such a long time. While that was disappointing news for Alex (that Amanda's love box is secured like Fort Knox), Amanda did confess that she likes to give head! Keep the faith, Alex! ;-)
Chelsia and James spent a little time in HOH last night before catching some beauty sleep and they discussed what their plans are (as far as eviction goes) and that they "have to win" the POV so that they stay in control of the noms. They better hope it all works out the way they think it will, otherwise it could backfire on them. After some strategizing, they bucked up for another round of 'let's kiss Chelsia even though I don't think she wants to'. lol (Video courtesy of TheRealDeal):
In the middle of the night (3:30am BBT), James got up and was pacing back and forth outside of the HOH room..crying!! He went downstairs, after wiping his tears away, to the main bathroom to get some kleenex. Why was he crying? Nobody knows. I'm sure the Diary Room sessions will clue us all in in a few days, or maybe he'll tell somebody why today on the live feeds. Of course, if we hear anything, we'll be sure to let you know! For now, here's the footage. (Courtesy of Quirkydude):
So there ya have it, ladies & gents! The overnight report! :) For the next 4 hours, I'll be bringing you the latest in BB gossip, game talk, screenshots, and videos! After that, I have to tend to some offline duties. So..
Stay tuned...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Natalie's striptease, Chelsia & James kiss again, Amanda's a virgin?
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7:55 AM