Hey BB lovers!!
I've been here the past few hours getting videos (I have 3 coming up, I just have to cut the 30 min video into 3 sections before posting them on youtube, I'll post them when I'm done!) and I've been getting the latest scoop and screenshots for ya'll!!
While it's been a drama-free night, the house is buzzing with 'if this happens, we need to do this..' talk ALL NIGHT LONG!!
Josh was talking a bath (naked hehe) while Sharon and Sheila talked to him about Allison (video of that coming soon..)
Sheila went on to say that she's playing Allison since she was screwed over by and that Allison is REALLY good at being manipulative (ya, no shit! lol). She also promised Josh & Sharon that herself & Adam will vote any way they want them to. Sheila also wanted them to know that she is not, in any way, in any kind of alliance (or even friendship) with Allison.
Tomorrow is the POV comp and, worst case scenario, if Allison wins, then Sheila & Adam will be pawns most likely and they'll gun for Matt & Natalie. Basically, all their talking is about the POV tomorrow and Josh is nervous that he won't be able to get Allison out...almost like his plan is working too good right now to get her ass out.
While still in the bathroom together, Sharon was saying about how she thinks that HG's might be coming back next week, but with a twist! She thinks that they will come back in the house, but in different pairs (ex: Parker & Amanda as 1 team, etc) Interesting concept!! Sharon told Josh that she is going to bust her ass tomorrow to win the POV so that the noms stay the same.
As Josh was getting out the tub, we got a nice look at a Josh's naked ass! ;-) hehe
After his bath, Josh and Sharon decided to chill out for the night and just get some rest because the POV is going to be a physical comp tomorrow:
Meanwhile downstairs, the feeds cut to Chelsia and James in the sauna sneaking in a little kiss (awwww!!):
Matt was outside in the backyard working out:
...then Ryan came to join him...
Matt was talking about how everyone in the house trusts Natalie the most, BUT that she is a liability to him because of the things she says sometimes and that its frustrating being her partner. (Earlier, he talked shit on her and it's in 1 of the 3 videos I will post later on!)
Later on, it was gullible Natalie's turn to get manipulated by the evil Allison in the sauna:
What was she saying? Who knows. Who cares? Literally *EVERYTHING* out of that girls mouth is bullshit, lies, and it's all uninteresting to watch. I briefly heard Allison playing the whole "he said, she said" crap. I switched to another feed about a minute later. lol
Looks like the house is winding down for the night. Chelsia and James got the same idea as Josh & Sharon; to spend the night chillaxin in bed:
..and that is all that happened (so far) tonight in the BB house!
I'll do the videos tonight and upload either tonight or tomorrow morning and I'll post them with the overnight report. Right now, its 01:33am EST and I think I'm going to head to bed soon. If anything happens between now and then, I'll definitely let you guys & gals know! ;-) Until then...
Stay tuned...