Tonight is live eviction and I couldn't be happier!! The past week has been boring as hell, with the exception of Chelsia's flip-outs. From the disappointing Evel Dick appearance, to Chelsia knowing that she was going home the second James took himself off the block, the HG's have been boooorrrinngggg. Oh, how I hope tonight is double-eviction night!!!!!!!!
I will be here reporting the live show as it unfolds so if you're stuck at work, I got ya covered! ;-)
I haven't reported anything today (until now) because the feeds have been about as alive as a cemetery and the HG's aren't doing anything. Natalie is laying in bed reading her bible, Ryan is sleeping, and the rest are just doing whatever.
I'll report any happenings from now until the live eviction, but I'm guessing the feeds will go off very shortly and won't be back on until after the HOH comp tonight.
I put a new poll on the right, so check it out!! ;-)
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Live Eviction tonight: Chelsia will go home.
Posted by
1:58 PM