Hey BB9 fans!! Once again, I had major technical difficulties, but all is well now (hopefully permanently lol)
Alright, let's get ya'll caught up...
After the HOH comp, Chelsia couldn't stop hugging James and they were both all smiles (and a couple of happy tears as well.)
James and Chelsia talked last night and he's putting up Ryan & Sheila. Before they even said that, Ryan and Sheila knew that they would be nom'ed and Sheila was freaking out.
James later on confirmed with Chelsia that he is, indeed, putting up Ryan and Sheila and that he doesn't wanna backdoor them. While he wants both Sheila & Ryan out, his main target is Ryan because he's a strong player and if he wants to really stay, then he'll win the POV.
Also, Natalie FINALLY got her massage from Matt last night!! w00t w00t!! They talked game while he massaged her and they plan on fighting for the Veto to take Ryan off the block (oh geez.)
In other news, there was a MAJOR Diary Room leak last night!! It was with Chelsia in the D.R. talking about how she felt about James leaving and coming back.
(Video courtesy of DreamersVids)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Sheila & Josh had a little chat this morning in the backyard. Sheila is (in my opinion) trying to get the word out that she fucked up in the game and she knows it and that she needs to "play the game for herself" (Uhh DUH!!!):
(Video courtesy of Quirkydude)
Alright..now ya'll are caught up on what's going down. I have to jump offline for a couple of hours, but I'll be back with more updates shortly after I return! :-)
Stay tuned...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Nat gets her massage..Noms today..Diary Room Leak!!
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2:19 PM