Being pissed off for Matty being backdoored, Natalie finds Sheila and they start to bond...probably because Sheila is the only one Natalie can bond with at this point (in case Matt goes home).
I recorded this video just after 8pm BBT:
I love how they call Josh "the devil" lol
After I stopped recording, Sheila had a little 'Why I love me!'-fest and went on and on..and on!..about who she's fucked (Axle Rose, etc), and dropping names left and right (like Robert DeNiro telling her to call her "Bobby" and that he wanted her to act in a film with him LOLLLLLL) Basically, it's the same shit she says every single day that she's in the BB house. I can only hope that BB does some kind of twist and boots her ass as a bonus for toying with us last week lol Come on CBS, don't let me down! ;-)
Sheila will always be single because nobody loves her more than herself. According to her, she's the best thing since slice bread.
Stay tuned...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Nat tells Sheila EVERYTHING!! (video)
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9:07 PM