Hey everyone!! Sorry, I just wasn't able to reach the computer in the past 24 hours and update ya on yesterday's happenings. :P Most of the time, I'm glued to the computer, but not every day. If you've ever got married, then you know how long it takes to do your gift registry at three different stores within 1 day, and that's what I had to do yesterday (I had no clue how long it would take). It's exhausting!!!!
Okay, let me first get ya'll caught up on what went down on Friday late night...and yes...I am referring to Natalie!!! ;-)
Alright, so on late Friday night, around 1am BBT, the boys (Matt, James, Adam, and later on..Matt) gathered around the breakfast nook in the kitchen and were talking about good old fashioned guy talk (aka sex). The boys (playfully) harped on Matt not letting Natalie 'go downtown' on him, while Adam made fun of Sheila:
(Video courtesy of xx2OOxx)
And Natalie did end up getting her desires fullfilled (and her mouth!)..Matt let her give him head!!
(Video courtesy of xx2OOxx)
(If the video doesn't work, go here.)
On Saturday morning, James was toying with the idea of taking Ryan off the block. He talked to Ryan and told him that he was taking him off of the block and to just "watch his watch" later on down the line in the game and to not tell anyone in the house what his plans are. Ryan thanked him over and over again and promised to keep it hush-hush.
Meanwhile, Sheila planned a talk with James in hopes of getting herself off of the block, all while throwing Adam under the bus (so to speak) and get him up as her replacement nom.
Come Saturday night, James and Sharon were up in the HOH room talking and James had a new target in mind! There was alot of flip/flopping happening last night on what James is going to do with the POV. His plan: to take Sheila off the block and replace her with Matt. While James knows for a fact that this would cause a ton of shit in the house and shake things up a bit, he knows it would be a good (but ballsy) move in the game. And since the whole house is against Sheila at this point, they (Sharon & James) talk about how they could easily get her to vote anyway they want her to.
Next on James' list of people to talk to about putting up Matty, is Adam. Adam joins James in the HOH room to talk about what he's been thinking. James spits the idea to Adam about putting up Matty, and Adam tells him either Ryan or Matty have to go this week and frankly, he doesn't care which one it is.
Matt all of a sudden got paranoid (maybe from people in the house acting differently? Diary room sessions? Who knows!) and flat out asked James if he was putting him on the block. James' response? "No."
I wanna give a shout-out to a good friend of mine, Dr. Detroit over at BB Couch Potatoes for a couple of reasons: He's the one who captures all of the awesome videos (including the naughty ones) and when I'm not home on certain days or nights (which is very rare for me to not be by a comptuer lol), then he is the reason that I can give you guys & gals updates through his kick-ass vids!! Also, if you're into podcasts, check him out! He even mentioned this blog in his very first podcast (Thanks sweetie!! ;-) )!!
I'll be posting updates and such all morning but I have to leave again for just a couple of hours in the early afternoon, but I will most def be back in time for the show tonight that airs on CBS!
Stay tuned...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday's happenings (long post)
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6:43 AM