The comp involved the gineua pigs (Nat referenced that they looked happy to be back in their cage and she mentioned how loud they were lol) All the HG's are commenting on how fun it was and that "blocks" were actually used in the comp. I can't wait to see it on tv!! It wasn't a "whos the fastest" comp, it was a mental comp according to Chelsia.
Ryan looks sad....

...and the rest of the HG's look tired and are quiet. Now Matt & Nat are saying that Ryan has the votes to stay, so they think Sheila is going home this week. Hmm!!! Interesting!!
Stay tuned...
PS Sorry about the confusion on who won at first, I was going by which picture had the Veto hanging from and I miscalculated it. Seems like all of us BB9 bloggers were confused for the first 5 minutes. lol