Every Final 6 has a morphing comp, but we're down to the Final 5..hmm. lol
Don't know what a Picture-Morph comp is? Take a look:
*****End of Flashback Videos*****
If my memory serves me right, I believe Evel Dick posted a Myspace Blog last month saying that he & Danielle would host a comp this season. Eric & Jessica (from BB8) already hosted a comp this season, Evel Dick did as well, so my guess is that Dani will be hosting this one (last season, it was Janelle who hosted the morphing comp.)
Sheila was in the D.R. and when she came out, she went straight to the memory wall and studied it for a while. Did the D.R. tip her off in hopes of her getting the POV? Or just a coincidence?
(Video courtesy of xx2OOxx)
Natalie should be good at this comp, but Sheila has been studying the memory wall and Nat hasn't been. Oooo the suspense is killing me of who will win the POV tonight!
The POV Comp should start at 3am EST which is coming right up!!!!
Update @ 3:11am EST:
The HG's are still in the BB house, nothing has happened just yet...
Stay tuned...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
POV comp will be a picture-morph comp?
Posted by
11:38 PM