The HG' surprised Sheila with a birthday party, with some help from Big Brother who provided the decorations, cake, and some letters from home..including one from her son.
Okay everyone, I'm taking the day off and up until tomorrow early evening. Tomorrow is my bridal shower (w00t w00t!!!!) so I won't be home until around 6pm EST (I think). As soon as I get home, I'll post an update! :-D
If you *must* know what is going on inside the BB house until then, go ahead and sign up for the live feeds!!! The Season Finale of Big Brother 9 will air on Sunday April 27th, which means that you can get YOU CAN GET THE LIVE FEEDS TOTALLY FREE FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON!!! There's no reason to not get them now! So go & sign up already!! :)
I'll be back tomorrow!!!
Stay tuned...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sheila's Birthday Surprise (vids)
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3:49 PM