Hey guys & gals!! I'm back! :-D Okay, I just got done watching Tuesday's show (ohh how I love my DVR! lol) They showed the eviction of Sharon (she took it very well!!) and the beginning of Part 1 HOH Comp. The set up for the HOH comp was really wild and I really would have loved to see that play out on the live feeds. :( If you didn't see it, the comp was like a boogie boarding thing. The HG's had to hang onto a rope while on the boogie board on their knees and strapped in. The slippery wall was raised and water was gushing out, then "rain" (which was very cold according to Sheila..she said it felt like ice cubes) started to pour down on them, and then the show was over. I'm sure they'll show the ending to Part 1 of the HOH comp, plus all of Part 2, and of course we'll see Part 3 live and then the live eviction.
On Showtime After Dark, Sheila is playing it off as if she's going home tomorrow and she knows it. She very well might go home, but as far as she knows, Adam is going to save her. Will he? Who knows! I personally think he will but he can only save Sheila if he doesn't throw the Part 3 HOH Comp tomorrow (as he has told Ryan he will do) and if he actually wins. If Adam doesn't win tomorrow, it's bye-bye Sheila.
So tomorrow is the BIGGEST and MOST IMPORTANT day of the season thus far and I can't wait to see how it all plays out!! The 3rd (and last) part of the final HOH comp will be all mental and it will be live! :-D
Update on the feeds: The final 3 were just chatting up a storm about different things. Adam put on his tight blue pants (his "Mo Cheeks" pants lol) and was grinding on Sheila and even smacked her ass at one point. lol I love seeing those two goof around, they're so funny together!! Right now, Ryan is huffing & puffing his way around the backyard from jogging & walking. Adam & Sheila are talking inside the house and Adam is getting a little heated with her. He's saying that the only reason why he came on the show was to "win the $500k for these kids!!" and Sheila is saying that she came into the game to win for her charity of being a single parent and that she would love to get the $50,000 or $500,000. Right now, Sheila is YELLING at Adam. I will post a video shortly!!
Stay tuned...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday's show review + update on the feeds
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10:07 PM