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Friday, February 29, 2008

Good morning...err...afternoon!! (video)

Good morning...err..afternoon! lol The fiance had the day off today and I had to try to wrestle the laptop away from him for the past 3 hours, so I appologize for the delay in posting the overnight report and current BB house happenings (but he's alot bigger me than me so I lost lol :-P)


Alot depends on who wins the POV today..alot!! If Allison wins it, then that's really bad. If Matt & Natalie win it, then Sheila and Adam will go up as pawns to get Allison out. Either way, Matt & Natalie or Allison and Ryan will be evicted this week..unless the major twist that Julie announced last wedneday will affect the eviction. Oooo the suspense is killing me!!!

Alright, so let's move right along to...

The Overnight Report

Since I was up until 2am reporting the live feeds and getting videos & screenshots for you guys, there's nothing much to report...other than Allison and Chelsia kissing (omg, I think I just threw up in my mouth..)

Video courtesy of TrishyDoll79:

Okay, now that I got that out the way, I need to take some peto bismal for my upset stomach from watching that clip and then I'll be back to report what's happening on the feeds (complete with screenshots!!!)

Sit tight, folks! It'll just take a couple of minutes...

Stay tuned...