Hey all you Big Brother 9 Blog fans!!!
I've received a few emails lately asking if the live feeds were hard to install or not, and truth be told, NOPE! They are quite easy to install, actually! :) Even for those of you who are not so Internet savvy.
The installation is pretty much self-guided with the exception of at the very end when you actually fire up the player for the first time, but all you have to do there is click on the "Superpass" button at the top in the player and poooof, you're done! :)
I just ordered the feeds this morning and figured that while I was at it, that I would take screenshots of the whole installation process to give you an idea of what to expect & to see how simple it really is!!
It's only a few steps and its self-guided. Pretty simple, right? So now that you see how easy the feeds are to install, GET THE LIVE FEEDS!!! Big Brother 9 starts tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow! So get those feeds up & running between now and tomorrow night and witness all the flirting, drama, and scheming..you know, all that good stuff that you won't see on tv. ;-)
It's also a great time to get the feeds right now because we're currently running a contest all this week where you can win the feeds for FREE!! So check out the post right below this one entitled "Contest" and get all the details on how to enter!
1 more day before BB9 goes *LIVE*!!!
Are you ready? ;-)