Right now, all the HG's are getting camera-ready for the Veto Ceremony.

Obviously, Matt & Natalie will take themselves off the block. It's just a question of who will go up in their place: Chelsia & James or Sheila & Adam. My money is on Sheila & Adam.
After the ceremony, I guarantee you that Allison will campaign, lie, kiss for votes, and everything else she can do to try to get her punk ass off the block.
Prayer to the Gods of Big Brother:
Please let Allison continue to fuck up her own game and please get her dumb ass evicted this Wednesday!! And please let the "twist" this Wednesday *NOT* interfere with the eviction of that bitch.
Thank you, all powerful & mighty Big Brother Gods!!
T-minus 18 minutes until the Veto Ceremony begins!!! :-D
Update: It is now 3:05pm EST and the Veto Ceremony has not begun yet. They're calling the HG's (as couples and as individuals) into the Diary Room (I think everyone, or mostly everyone, has been called into the D.R.) so the ceremony should begin shortly!!!
Update: Okay, the houseguests are now on exterior lockdown. The time is 3:10pm/EST.
Stay tuned...