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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Big Brother 9 Crazy James Gay Porn Star

(WARNING: Adult themed content below!!!)

Say it isn't so, James!! :-( Well, no matter what he has to say, it is true. Obviously he is not gay, but without a doubt he is bisexual. The rumors started to leak out a couple days ago and I found not only pictures, but a short 10 second free preview video of James...uhh....*cough* action.

Here is one of the more tame pictures that I could post:

There is a free preview video and 10 "teaser" pictures of Crazy James and his male "friend", and I know there's alot of people are looking to see both, and if you must, then click here.

Now, there is a thing called "Gay for Pay" in the adult industry; where straight males I really need to explain this??! lol Anyways, my guess is that he needed some quick cash while out bicycling around the country and you can pretty much see where I'm going with this.

So there ya have it. The rumors are very much 100% true. Our lovable and adorable Crazy James is a gay pornstar. Ehhh..who cares??

We still love ya James!!! :-D