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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Food Comp is over & the Feeds are back!

...and the girls are in green tights and the guys are in lol

Okay, it wasn't a physical comp (for the girls), but they said "..poor Ryan, in the sun." so I'm guessing that he had to do something really phsyical and in the sun for a long time. lol

Natalie is saying that rubber comes from "cemet" and Matt is saying "..just..shut up. Don't talk." (refering to her being stupid lol)

Matt (to Natalie): "Where you homeschooled by beavers?"

Okay, this is from right after the food comp (2:19pm BBT):

Then the HG's had to go inside (outside lockdown) and the smokers of BB ignored the announcemnt:

..okay, all HG's are now inside for Lockdown.

Stay tuned...