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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Live Feeds: HG's eating & talking (screenshots) + POLL!!

Let's kick tonight off with a new poll!! Who do you want to see get packing this week??

Personally, I like Alex so I hope he stays. I never liked Matt, and Natalie is starting to get on my nerves, so I'd want those 2 to go home (Matt & Natalie).

Okay, as of 7:17pm BBT, the housguests are all moving around and talking in the kitchen (at the daisy breakfast nook). Nothing major going on. All the girls are in bikinis and Alex was just checking out Sharon's ass as she walked into the main bathroom. (lol)

Alex, Amanda, and Sheila are all eating their slop. Meanwhile, Sharon is doing dishes.

7:19pm BBT:

7:20pm BBT:

7:21pm BBT:

Check back for more updates tonight!!
Stay tuned...