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Friday, February 29, 2008

Screenshots..screencaps..whatever u call'em lol

I LOVE taking screencaps of the live feeds! Gives a real in-the-moment shot, ya know?

Okay, let's start off with Natalie talking to James, and James looking dumbfounded by Natalie (and later on telling her to 'shut up' lol):

Natalie was saying that EVERYTHING in the house is a "sign" and something to pay attention, THIS I found interesting; when Natalie and James were leaving the bedroom, the camera man ZOOMED IN on this:

Is this a clue to something? Or is the camera man just having fun? Hmm!!!!

Okay, so next up is Josh:

Josh is NERVOUS AS HELL!!! He can't stop pacing the HOH room, talking about "worst case scenarios", and how much he can not wait for the POV comp to begin!

...and here's Josh praying with a rosery:

Poor Josh is freakin out!!!

Here's something that will make you guys laugh; Matt was listening to a Britney Spears CD in the HOH room and jamming out to it lol

I guess 3 weeks of no music will make even a self-proclaimed hardass & "playa" like a Britney CD! ;-)

The HG's are thinking that the POV comp will start at 3pm BBT. Keep checking back for more updates!!!

Stay tuned...