The feeds are back and we just got confirmation on who won the very first Big Brother 9 Power of Veto!!!
*****SPOILER ALERT!!!!!*****
Natalie & Matt
More to come....
Okay, I took video of the houseguests sitting around and eating pizza and talking about the veto comp, but youtube isn't working right now for some reason and it's not uploading at the moment. Grrr!! I'm still trying though!!
The HG's talked about how it was *VERY* physically demanding and hard to do. Matt was saying that he BARELY was able to "hang on" (and apparantly with only one arm at the end, if I heard him correctly.) Then the HG's started to talk to James about his biking. He goes on to say that he bikes about 100 miles a day and with 90 lbs of gear on his back. Wow! Major kudos to him!!
Anyways, like I said, still working on uploading the video but you tube isn't cooperating at the moment.
Stay tuned...