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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Adam challenges Evel Dick (lolllll)

Adam challenged Evel Dick to come back into the house, after Natalie figured out that he might be coming back. Little do they know, Natalie is RIGHT!!!!!!

It has been CONFIRMED that Evel Dick WILL return to the Big Brother house this coming Tuesday!!!!!

Taken from Evel Dick's blog that he posted on Tuesday, March 18th:
"And lastly, but mostly....

Watch Big Brother tomorrow night and you will get to see a package they filmed this weekend with Dani and I (and I don’t mean my package... a segment for all of you that were gonna write me and make that joke.)

And tune in again next Tuesday night when yours truly gets to host a POV competition. This I am really looking forward to. It will be a blast!

(by the way, the veto comp actually takes place this Friday, but the episode won't air until Tuesday on CBS, so get the live feeds NOW!!!!)


I'm still hoping that Dick will move into the house for 1 week. Fuck, would that be awesome!!

Okay, so anyways, like I was saying...
Adam challenged Dick to come back into the house (uh oh! lol):

Gawwd, this is gonna be good!! ;-) hahahaha!!!!

Stay tuned...