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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sheila & Ryan catch Natalie in another lie:

And the lies just keep getting revealed. This one revealed during the fight between Ryan & James.

Right after their fight, Sheila & Sharon talked about Natalie lying (this is the post-fight video):

Then Ryan & Sheila talked privately and Ryan said that Natalie said Chelsia & James made "an offer" to Sheila and tried to get her vote (to keep Chelsia in the game) but Sheila told Chelsia "no" because she already promised her vote to Sharon (which is true.) Then Sheila whispers to Ryan that Natalie cannot be trusted.

Sheila: "Be very careful with her! She's lying in this game to benefit her."

(Video courtesy of xx2OOxx)

Part 2:

Stay tuned...