Oh where to begin...
I turned on the live feeds at Noon BBT and saw Chelsia, Ryan and Allison talking. Knowing that Allison is in cry-baby mode lately, I just started to record the feeds right away. lol
Ryan is clearly pissed, and rightfully so!! His partner (Allison) is running her mouth and they both know they're going to be gone this week if everything works out the way Josh & Sharon want them to.
Watch the video of the 3 of them talking and Ryan telling Allison how he feels, and watch Allison try to pin it all on him...again!
Video courtesy of yours truly ;-)
Right now, the HG's are doing their Food Comp. How do I know? The feeds are showing nothing but Trivia:
That screenshot was at 12:50pm BBT (or 3:50pm/EST).
As soon as the feeds come back, I'll let ya know how the food comp went!!
Stay tuned...