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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Veto Ceremony was held (spoiler!!!)

Hey ladies & gents! :) Just a quick post before I head to bed here (been toooo long of a day, need to get some sleep!!)

The Veto Ceremony was held today. Matt, who won the POV, decided *not* to use it. Well duhhhh!! There's not 1 reason why he ever would. As I've said from hmmmmm...I think it was Day 2 or 3 of the live feeds, that Parker wouldn't make it to see week 4 (at best!) and my fellow BB9 lovers, I forsee his run in the house coming to a quick end on Wednesday (live eviction).

Here's the video immediatley post-ceremony:
(video courtesy of Quirkydude!)

If Parker & Jen are able to save themselves, then they deserve to be in the house because they would have performed a miracle...a last minute miracle at that, and my 'hat would go off to them'.

I know I said I was going to take screenshots and vids before bed tonight, but guys, I am beyond beat tonight!!!!! I'm sitting her squinting my eyes just to see the monitor. *yawwwwwwnnn*

Okay, so, the overnight report will come as soon as I wake up..which should be about 6am central time...hmm, wonder if the houseguests will still be up then? We'll see!

G'night kids, be good! ;-)