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Friday, March 7, 2008

The winner of the POV is...(spoiler!)

***WARNING: Spoiler!!!***

The Winner of the POV is:


The backdooring of Matt will continues as planned! ;-) Bye, bye Matty!!

The POV comp was ALSO a luxury comp!! Remember last year how Jen had to (happily) wear that red unitard? Well, now it's Sheila's turn! lol Poor Sheila. Eh...she has a smokin' body, so she'll be just fine! :-)

Alright, on to the prizes now:

Ryan won a shitload of cash: $10,000 to be exact!
Adam won a bike (what kind? No clue! Haven't heard anything yet)
Sharon won a slop pass
Josh got a great prize as well; a letter from home. :)

Of all the people in the house, Josh needed a letter from home the most. He has been mentally breaking down and stressing out, and support from his loved ones will most def give him that extra boost to move full-steam ahead in this game!!

Alright, I have to get offline for about 30 mins to do wedding related stuff (phone calls, mail out stuff, etc) but I'll update WITH PICS as soon as I get back!!

Stay tuned...