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Friday, March 21, 2008

Winner of the POV is....(spoiler!!)

Evel Dick entered the house early this morning and woke the houseguests up (I believe with pots & pans like he said he wanted to do, but can't confirm that since it wasn't shown on the live feeds..dammit!) And as far as I know, he never did the "Dick at Night" show like he said he would do. I'll have to call into Housecalls next week when he's on and ask him why not. Anyways...

The POV comp was held (hosted by Evel Dick) and....

The Winner of the POV is...


Adam is now thinking of who to put up on the block, and Sharon volunteered herself (has she not watched BB before? You NEVER put yourself up as a pawn!! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Oh well, she annoys me, she can leave lol ;-) )

I took video at around Noon BBT of various conversations, only focusing on the most important ones, so that's why the video bounces around from one convo to the next. I figured I'd cut through all the bullshit for ya'll and just give you what you need/want to know.

Oh, and Dick confirmed that Nick & Jen from Big Brother 8 are dating. Umm..ew!

I'm guessing that Dick didn't go off on Sheila like he said he would, because she was talking rather fondly of him. Hmm. I'm anxious to see the POV episode on Tuesday night to see what exactly went down!

Stay tuned...